Natural Shingles Treatment - Olive Leaf Extract

by Seraph

Oleopein tincture seems to be very healing stroked gently on top of the shingle sores, burns a little at first but then the somewhat sticky feeling tincture forms a seal over the sores and fells very soothing and protective.
Its powerful anti-viral properties kills the virus, used inside and outside, as well as quieting the severe buring of the shingle sores. Less than a week and they are beginning already to scab up!

This is the first time I ever had the nasty shingles, after a yearly CT scan with that horrible dye noticeably for the past two weeks broke down my immunity, letting the shingle in.

Next time, only an echocardiogram for sure.

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Shingles, busy mom

Took care of shingles in less than 5 days. Unbelievable!!

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HSV Relief with Olive Leaf Extract

by Patrice Bryant
(Richardson, TX)

Being diagnosed with HSV was both traumatic and devastating.
Unlike some of the lucky few who've had sparse outbreaks I seemed to get them every 10-14 days from the time of diagnosis.
The olive leaf extract has worked wonderfully in relief and thus far no more outbreaks. I'm continuing it not only for continued relief but also as a boost to my overall immune health.

I feel fortunate that I learned about it while in my early stage and as a way to prevent other common illnesses.

Patrice B.

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Wonder drug for HSV

Taking olive leaf extract has avoided what has been normally very uncomfortable herpes outbreaks and with no side effects.

It's great.

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